Setting a hire standard...
The Blec DSM14005 disc seeder is a very efficient way of over-seeding small or large areas quickly with very little surface disturbance. It is equipped with a well proven seeding system, which can accommodate a wide range of seed mixtures from small bent seeds to large rye grass seeds. This unit requires 30-50 HP and has a disc spacing of 50mm. Hire the Blec Disc Seeder with Acacia today.
Length: 0 mm | Width: 1600 mm |
Height: 0 mm | Weight: 400 Kg |
Wear foot protection |
Wear hearing protection |
Wear eye protection |
Wear hand protection |
Wear head protection |
Heavy vibration, take regular breaks |
Acacia Groundcare Equipment Rental Limited, Hollands Lane, Henfield, West Sussex, BN5 9QY.
VAT Registration No: GB 920 005975
Company Registration No: 05937672
Registered Office: Hollands Lane, Henfield, BN5 9QY